We believe that the responsibility for ending sepsis and spreading information on infection belongs to all of us–and that young people have an especially critical role to play. End Sepsis has developed the first comprehensive K-12 sepsis curriculum to progressively educate school students about infection and sepsis and to equip them to become effective advocates in their communities. Our goal is to reduce instances of infection and ensure that every young person knows the signs of sepsis.

END SEPSIS partnered with the American Federation of Teachers to develop the curriculum, which covers:
- How to care for small wounds and the importance of basic first aid (Grades Pre K-2)
- How to prevent the spread of germs (Grades 3-5)
- The signs and science of sepsis (Grades 6-8)
- How to educate others about the dangers of sepsis and become an advocate for effective public health solutions (Grades 9-12)
The End Sepsis education program incorporates engaging resources, including Ouch! I Got a Cut!, a picture book for young readers, available on Amazon, as a free ebook and available by sending a contact email to our office and Sepsis: What You Need to Know to Save a Life, an animated video that explains sepsis and its signs in under two minutes.
View Our Video About the Education Program
Bring Our Curriculum to Your School!
In 2017, New York State passed Rory Staunton’s Law, requiring that all New York school students have access to comprehensive sepsis education. End Sepsis and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) developed the lesson plans, and the AFT has made the curriculum available on the Share My Lesson platform, an award-winning online community where nearly 1.7 million educators can access education modules and share their greatest teaching resources. The curriculum is available to download for free here: