We invite you to explore the END SEPSIS video gallery and consider sharing these valuable resources on social media, during conferences, or in classrooms to help increase awareness of sepsis and its profound effects.
These feature parents sharing the last words of their children.
Katie’s Story.
Emily’s Story.
60s compilation version.
Their Deaths Were Preventable.
End Sepsis Education Video.
A video highlighting the Education Program developed by End Sepsis.
Changing the World.
Produced by the Patient Safety Movement and featuring the work of End Sepsis
Global Sepsis Address – Video One:
Ciaran Staunton speaks to the international sepsis community, representing over 72 countries, in the first of a two-part video series. In this powerful message, he reflects on the moment he first heard the word ‘sepsis’—after the tragic loss of his son, Rory. Now, he dedicates his life’s work to preventing others from facing the same fate. Watch now to hear his story.