the END blog

Our founder, Ciaran Staunton who is also a board member of the Global Sepsis Alliance, recently participated in the 4th World Sepsis Congress. He joined a panel discussion on “The Impact of Survivors and Family Members to Improve Sepsis Awareness and Advocacy,” alongside other esteemed panelists, including Melissa Mead from UK Sepsis Trust, Mary Steel […]

May 4, 2023» Read more
what is sepsis

Pediatric Sepsis Week, April 16-22, is dedicated to recognizing the children who develop sepsis each year, honoring those who have passed away, and educating parents, caregivers, healthcare professionals, and the public about sepsis. The goal is to raise awareness of this life-threatening condition and what can be done to prevent it. The numbers are staggering […]

April 16, 2023» Read more

The United States is experiencing a spike in Strep. Strep can cause a bacterial infection leading to sore throat, fever and swollen tonsils. The CDC is now tracking an especially nasty kind of strep, called invasive group A strep; this is where the bacteria doesn’t stay in the throat but spreads to other parts of the […]

April 10, 2023» Read more
About Rory Staunton

On July 17, less than four months after Rory died from sepsis, we appeared on the TODAY Show to talk about sepsis and tell our story. It was incredibly difficult for us to speak publicly so soon after our son’s death but we knew it was an extraordinary platform from which to warn other parents […]

March 29, 2023» Read more

END SEPSIS was asked to contribute a post to the CDC’s Safe Healthcare blog. The blog is delivered each month to thousands of subscribers. It is intended to “highlight the importance of patient safety by providing educational information and simple ways to help people stay informed on public safety topics.” Change Is Coming In The […]

February 28, 2023» Read more