_ Northwell Health is New York State’s largest healthcare provider and private employer, with 20+ hospitals, 890+ outpatient facilities, and more than 18,500 affiliated physicians. Every year they care for over two million people in the New York metro area and beyond. In 2012 they were one of the first organizations to reach out to […]

A recent report from the Johns Hopkins Armstrong Institute Center for Diagnostic Excellence reveals that sepsis is a significant contributor to misdiagnosis-related deaths and disabilities in the United States. In fact, it is among the top five diseases responsible for approximately 40% of such cases. Each year, an estimated 795,000 Americans suffer death or permanent […]

This week, CBS News reported that at least 36 babies across Europe have been infected with a dangerous and often deadly type of viral sepsis. The infection is caused by a rare type of enterovirus called echovirus-11, which typically spikes in the summer and early fall. The outbreak has some pediatric infectious diseases experts in […]

Madonna’s hospitalization from a bacterial infection is making headlines: Learn how sepsis can make bacterial infections like Madonna’s. life-threatening A bacterial infection occurs when harmful bacteria enter the body and multiply, leading to an immune response and various symptoms. Bacteria are tiny, single-celled microorganisms that can be found virtually everywhere, including in the air, water, […]

In late April, Ciarán had the honor of participating in a Panel Discussion at the 4th World Sepsis Congress, organized by the Global Sepsis Alliance. The focus of the panel discussion was “The Impact of Survivors and Family Members in Improving Sepsis Awareness and Advocacy,” skillfully moderated by Michael Clarke. The participants were comprised of individuals […]