You expected to be sad in the fall. Part of you died each year when the leaves fell from the trees and their branches were bare against the wind and the cold, wintery light. But you knew there would always be the spring, as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. […]
On Thursday, May 18th, Community Board 3 in Queens voted unanimously to name our latest additional parkland, formerly the Garden School field, after Rory Staunton. Letters of support were read from Congressman Joseph Crowley, Council member Daniel Dromm, Assemblyman Dendecker, and Borough President Helen Marshal. The Jackson Heights Beautification Group and The Jackson Heights Green […]
Rory, we miss your smile, your funny comeback lines, your noise, and the fun… Yes, the glorious fun of spending time with you. The silence is now deafening. It breaks my heart to see your wonderful dad, your pal, sob from loneliness. He didn’t deserve this tragedy. Your little sister bravely faces it each day. […]
On October 26th, 2012 we made our way to the New York Academy of Medicine. We had been asked to address a Sepsis Symposium there being convened by Nirav R. Shah, the State Health Commissioner. It is always bittersweet to talk about Rory in public; on the one hand you want to talk about him […]
Time passes but love never fades and though Rory has left us he grows larger in our hearts every day. We feel his hand guiding us as we seek to ensure that no child should lose their life the way he did. Our son was first and foremost about fair play, decency and making sure […]