Recently, as part of the Rory Staunton Foundation’s ongoing campaign for sepsis awareness, Ciaran Staunton was a keynote speaker at the Indiana Patient Safety Center’s (IPSC) Patient Safety Summit in Indianapolis. Part of the Indiana Hospital Association, IPSC has been working with Indiana hospitals to improve sepsis awareness, early recognition and rapid treatment – with promising […]
The Rory Staunton Foundation and National Family Council on Sepsis members, Ann Ceschin and Chris Aiello, were in Atlanta this week for a two-day meeting with the CDC and other patient advocate groups to discuss sepsis and other causes of preventable deaths. CDC Director, Dr. Tom Frieden, declared at the meeting that “the status quo on sepsis is […]
At a meeting held last week in Washington D.C. with the Rory Staunton Foundation, the National Family Council on Sepsis and congressional staff, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) committed to the launch of a multimillion dollar, multi-year public awareness campaign dedicated solely to educating the public about sepsis. This campaign marks a […]
For Sepsis Awareness month, I was asked blog for Below is the piece I wrote, sharing our story: Sepsis Awareness Month: Rory’s Story When my son Rory died I met with a grief counselor. One of the first questions he asked me was, “Where do you feel the pain?” “I feel it everywhere,” I […]
Rory, three years ago today, you were discussing famine in North Korea, non partisan municipal elections in NYC, and Family Guy. In less than a week you would be dead. We are all living in this hell on earth without you Pal. Sunnyside Gardens Park named the track after the boy who came up with […]