2024 National Forum on Sepsis

The 8th National Forum on Sepsis:

Shaping a Federal Response to Sepsis

SEPTEMBER 12, 2024

2024 has been another pivotal year in the quest to develop effective, real-world solutions to the sepsis crisis in the United States and beyond. Millions in federal funding allocated to sepsis for the first time, the ongoing rollout of the Hospital Sepsis Program Core Elements, the release of government reports detailing the shocking toll of sepsis on the nation’s healthcare system and planned new legislation have dramatically advanced our shared mission. Yet, despite our progress, much remains to be done before federal funding, national guidelines and legislative proposals translate into policy mandates that save lives.

At the 8th National Forum on Sepsis, leaders from across government, healthcare, patient advocacy and the private sector who have been responsible for transforming the nation’s approach to sepsis break down the impact of new policies and actions and share what’s next in the campaign to save lives, unburden our healthcare system and reduce the economic toll of this deadly condition.

The event was moderated by Dr. Martin Doerfler, END SEPSIS Board Member, END SEPSIS Expert Advisory Panel Member & Former Executive Vice President of Healthcare, Truveta and Former SVP, Clinical Strategy and Development, Northwell Health

Visit endsepsisforum.org for full event information, including obtained continuing education credits. 

The full event recordings can be viewed below.


Dr. Mandy Cohen
CDC Director

Ciaran and Orlaith Staunton Staunton
Co Founders, END SEPSIS

Special Video Presentation

Senator Chuck Schumer
United States Senate Majority Leader

Clayton Anderson
Patient Advocate



Dr. Pam Owens
Senior Research Scientist, Center for Financing, Access, and Cost Trends
Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality

Dr. Foster Gesten
Co-Chair, END SEPSIS National Sepsis Initiative Expert Panel

Former Chief Medical Officer, Office of Quality and Patient Safety, NYS Department of Health

Former Chief Medical Advisor for Quality and Health Care Delivery, Greater NY Hospital Association

Dr. Michael Bell
Acting Director Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Dr. Ron Kline
Chief Medical Officer Quality Measurement and Value-Based Incentives Group

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services





Orlaith Staunton
Co-Founder, END SEPSIS

Nancy Foster
Vice President for Quality and Patient Safety Policy
American Hospital Association

Dr. Mark Sands
Associate Chief Medical Officer
Northwell Health

Dr. Jessica Cohen
Director of Evidence Based Clinical Practice for the Department of Clinical Transformation & Improvement
Northwell Health

M. Isabel Friedman
Principal, Process Improvement, Clinical Transformation & ImprovemenT

Northwell Health






With opening remarks by Senator Charles Schumer