Living Rory’s Dream

Time passes but love never fades and though Rory has left us he grows larger in our hearts every day. We feel his hand guiding us as we seek to ensure that no child should lose their life the way he did. Our son was first and foremost about fair play, decency and making sure […]

January 9, 2013» Read more

Today is the first day of school for many… Like previous falls-I too was preparing  myself-readying  to receive new students, new faces who will tackle a school year filled with learning. As  I was cleaning out old contents from my desk,  I came across a book, Three Cups of Tea.  Having already read the book twice over I […]

September 6, 2012» Read more

Cormach Murrihy from Rockland County, New York, died tragically this weekend. Cormach was a shining light in the Irish community in New York and was a great supporter in our fight against sepsis. Since Rory’s death, Cormach and his family have helped us get the message of the dangers of sepsis into the public arena. […]

July 9, 2012» Read more

THE DEVASTATED O’Dowd and Staunton families came together on Easter Monday in The Church of the Immaculate Conception, Rathfeigh, Tara and then St Peter’s Cemetery to lay to rest Rory Staunton who passed away suddenly in New York last week. A huge crowd of people attended the funeral and burial of the 12-year-old who was […]

April 12, 2012» Read more