I dreamt about Rory the other night. I hardly ever dream of him, so it’s hard to wake up when I do. My heart just wants to hold onto the dream. In the dream, I couldn’t see his face, but he was there, I could feel his strong loving presence. He was with me and his dad at a game and he was telling me what kind of taco he wanted. Kathleen says that this dream was on brand for him because he loved tacos. I agree.
I think about him every day, every hour, but since that dream, I can’t get him out of my mind, at all. And today, on Valentine’s Day he’s especially on my mind. He was just 12 when he died and he was already towering at 5ft 9in but still too young to be anyone’s special Valentine, I think, except mine.
So Happy Valentine’s Day to my special Valentine, the one I cannot hold but I can feel within my soul. I will say your name aloud today and hope your spirit will hear.
If you can, please say his name today too